Delivery & installation

M.I.P. also arranges the delivery and installation of the products. Thanks to the light weight of composite storage systems, unloading usually only requires a simple crane truck.

If the size does prohibit road transport, the products can also be shipped by water. M.I.P. lies on the Turnhout-Schoten Canal and is connected with the whole of Europe via the Albert Canal. Our specialist shippers then take charge of the entire logistics, so that deliveries arrive punctually at their destination undamaged.

Our fitters can also perform the siting and assembly. For on-site installations, our project leader provides the necessary support and the arrangements with all concerned so that a flawlessly working installation is completed.

Your partner in composite storage systems

Are you looking for a custom solution for the sustainable & safe bulk storage of your complex liquids or moisture-sensitive solids? Request a free quote. We are happy to help you.